If you haven't started on your Halloween costume yet, you might think your trick-or-treating will be a bust.
Never fear, procrastinator. You can still throw together a last-minute costume without shelling out the big bucks for a boring store-bought one — and it doesn't even have to be the predictable flapper or zombie.
Take inspiration in these fantastically easy D.I.Y. get-ups, and get crafting A.S.A.P.
1. 50 Shades of Grey
2. Andrew W.K.
3. Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's
4. Bag of Eminems
5. Che Guevera T-Shirt
6. Grumpy Cat
7. E.T. and Elliott
8. Helga G. Pataki From Hey Arnold!
9. Fluttershy
10. iPad
11. Google Maps
12. Leslie Knope From Parks and Recreation
13. Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange
14. Misty From Pokémon
15. Old Spice Guy
16. Roy Lichtenstein Character
17. Waldo
18. Shadow
19. The Son of Man
20. Twister
21. Sexy Ghosts
22. Sauron
23. Sally Jessy Raphael
24. Sriracha Bottle
25. Silver Surfer