By: John Boone
Heidi Klum is the undisputed Queen of Halloween, always finding a way to top whatever outlandish costume she wore the year before. So how do you top a bedazzled Cleopatra? By dressing as a (creepily realistic) old woman, apparently!
Klum wasn't the only star who tried to up the ante with her Halloween costume, though: Julianne Hough, Miley Cyrus and Neil Patrick Harris all made headlines with their latest Halloween looks.
So which stars upgraded their costumes from 2012 to 2013 (Sandra Bullock, we say)? And who downgraded? Click the gallery and weigh in!
Halloween costumes 2013: Which stars upgraded or downgraded?!
Sexy General vs. Queen of Hearts
Sofia Vergara vs. Nicki Minaj
Angelyne and Dennis Woodruff vs. Día de los Muertos
Bloody Pink Lady vs. Princess
Nicki Minaj vs. Lil' Kim
Cleopatra vs. Old Woman
Sock Monkey vs. Unknown
The Wizard of Oz vs. Classic Monsters
Alice in Wonderland vs. Miley Cyrus
Bonnie and Clyde vs. Crazy Eyes from Orange Is the New Black
Woody from Toy Story vs. Fisherman (with Melissa McCarthy)