Friday 1 November 2013

Capricorn November 2013 Horoscope

Spiritual techniques have been essential in your economic lifestyle for many decades. Kids have become more religious since July, but now your spirituality is of a different type. It is more about cleaning the emotional obstructions to the influx of the soul. This can be challenging, thoughtful performance, but you seem willing to do it. Spiritual treatment is also a significant attention (as it should be this year) from the 2nd forward. Those of you in the innovative artistry are being motivated in goals, as you reflect or through spiritual-type individuals – ministers, mediums, channellers and the like. Even your profession seems engaged with spirituality this 30 days (from the 2nd to the 26th).

Though your wellness is enhanced over some of the times in the last season, it still needs viewing. This is month to go further into the religious side of wellness. To discover the spirit's energy to act straight on the system and to keep it from illness. Prayer, relaxation, rack, the resting on of arms and the adjustment of simple efforts are all highly effective treatments this 30 days. This is uncommon for a Capricorn, as you are usually traditional in most factors.

Those of you on the religious direction might want to discover guidelines yoga exercises, Tantra and the religious roots that cope with the sex-related energy. It is an interval where this energy needs to become more spiritualized.

Finances enhance considerably after the twenty third. Making energy is improved. But Uranus is still retrograde and your economic lifestyle is still under evaluation.

Solar energy surpass (number four for the year) happens on the twenty fifth in your twelfth home of spirituality. This reveals changes in your religious lifestyle, in your exercise, technique and strategy. Generally these changes come about from internal exposure – new mild, new knowing are upon you, and so the old religious methods need adjustment. There are still dramas and upheavals in a charitable organisation or religious company you are an aspect of – these problems seem to have been going on for some several weeks now. Every solar energy surpass delivers up problems of loss of life – and this one is no different. Keep in mind our previous conversations about this. Knowledge of loss of life, overcoming the worry of it, results in a better way to reside in the here and now. Solar eclipses usually carry an economic downturn for your associate, association or present really like – thus essential and perhaps impressive economic changes are going on there. If you are engaged in property, tax or insurance coverage problems, you can anticipate an impressive convert one way or the other. You will begin to see activity in these matters.

Venus goes into your indication on the 26th. For single men and women, this delivers affair possibilities – not serious really like but 'entertainment' kind really like.

You will be more engaged with children and those who are like children to you. They seem dedicated.

Career possibilities are looking for you out as well. You have been effective all season, but now you are looking at the aspect more – putting on a costume to demonstrate your position. Excellent to decorate with natural and wine red right now.

November 2013 Horoscope Capricorn: Love & Relationships

Venus will enter Capricorn on November 5th 2013 and instead of staying here for approximately four weeks, the period it usually spends in a sign, it will stay for four months, meaning until March 5th 2014. Venus is the planet of love, of harmonyy and of couples.

Obviously, Venus' prolonged stay in Capricorn will bring remarkable events at the sentimental level. In the four months, Capricorn's relationships will be brought to attention, thoroughly examined, with all their good or bad parts.

The negative parts will have the tendency to become more visible in the period when Venus is retrograde (December 21st 2013 - January 31st 2014).

With a bird's-eye view, this four-month period will bring Capricorn people some extra emotion and sensuality and will open the gate to love. People often fall in love under such transits, but there are also cases in which the transit only prepares the field, and love comes a few months later.

Anyway, November 2013, being the opening month of the cycle, will be scattered with significant clues. Mind them and draw the conclusions! As for the rest, enjoy the harmony and the pleasures offered by Venus. 

November 2013 Horoscope Capricorn: Career & Finance

The period will be extremely highlighted at the level of relationships. Capricorn is a lonely person by nature and has little interaction with the others. There has come the time, though, for you to do everything together with the others.

Time has also come for collaboration, association, teamwork, collective activities. Regardless of the objectives and strategies, there will always be somebody by your side. You might not always find it easy, some communication problems or disagreement might appear.

The chances for success will be high, and opportunities will (obviously) come through other people: friends, the couple partner, acquaintances, etc.

An area that might pose problems to Capricorn people or require some decisions will be the one of the group interests: association, foundations, parties, clubs, networks, but also the audience, supporters, conferences, performances, etc. The area will be the more important as it seems to influence finances relevantly.

November 2013 Horoscope Capricorn: Fitness & Morale

The area of health will need to stay under observation in November 2013 as well.

In October and November, Mercury, the ruler of Capricorn's house of health, has thought of starting the retrograde movement (October 21st - November 10th 2013) and has set three meetings with Saturn, Capricorn's ruler (8th and 29th of October, 26th of November 2013), which can bring a worse shape, troubles related to health or a special preoccupation in this direction.

At the end of November 2013 you'll nevertheless have a clear picture and you'll probably make a carefully-considered decision.

Advice for Capricorn in November 2013
You'll have the tendency of being over preoccupied with others' problems. Make more time for yourself!