Thursday 7 November 2013

7 most painful places to get a tattoo ...

By: Fawn Wagner

Tattoos... they are painful and permanent and still, everyone seems to want one. I myself have two and plan to get at least three more. But, since I went and got one in a very painful place with absolutely no warning, I thought I would look up the most painful places to get a tattoo so I could avoid making the same mistake twice...

1. Spine
Ouch and more ouch! Your spine is made up of 26 bones, 24 of them go from your neck to the
base of your bum and each tattoo that you get along them will hurt. The spine is the most painful place to get a tattoo. I say just move a little to the left or right and just avoid all of the pain. 

2. Hip
This is where I got my second tattoo and that's probably the reason that I've waited so long to
get this next one. The closer you are to touching any bone in your hip, the more pain you're
going to be in. But if you think the end result is worth it then go for it!

See:  Extreme Tattoo Art

3. Elbow
Your elbow is basically skin and bone. There isn't really any cushion to keep that vibrating feeling
of the needle away from your bone and so, I'm going to have to say unless you REALLY
want your elbows tattooed, go for another spot.

4. Ankle
Avoid your ankle bone at all costs! Everyone that I speak to that has a tattoo on their ankle
told me to avoid that bone no matter what. Go around it, go on top of it or below it but never,
ever get tattooed right on the bone of your ankle.

Read: Popular Tattooed Body Parts ...

5. Knee
The knees, just like the elbows are all skin and bone with no cushion. If you want a leg tattoo
that isn't going to hurt that badly go for the thigh where you have a little bit more fat and tissue
and your bone is a little further from the surface.

6. Foot
Although this isn't the most fun place to get a tattoo as long as you avoid toes and the bones
on top of your feet you'll be alright. Just make sure to go on the side of your foot near
your heel or by your arch.

See:  Girls With Tattoos Are Hotter

7. Clavicle
The most easily broken bone in the body is also one of the most painful places to get a tattoo.
The closer you get to the two bones on either side of your neck, the more pain you're likely to be in.

Bodies used as art canvases, See: Full Body Tattoos

Alright ladies, this is the list of the most painful places to get a tattoo. Just remember that the closer you get to bone with no fat, the more pain you'll be in. So go for a nice forearm or thigh! And remember a tattoo is pretty permanent unless you want to spend a fortune getting it removed so be sure of what you want and where you want it! Any comments or questions on tattoo pain or tattoo stories to share? Let me know down below!