Friday 1 November 2013

Libra November 2013 Horoscope

Last 30 days there was another essential movement of planetary power – now from the higher to the lower half of your astrology. It is sundown in your season. External actions, professional passions, dreams have been achieved; now it's about. Here we are at the actions of the night. A chance to go home after an awesome everyday performance and see your household members, make balance in close relatives members group and collect yourself your efforts for the next day – which will take place in goal of next season. Sensation right is now more essential than doing right. Family issues become more essential than profession. Psychological ~ inner balance – is more essential than pay increases, special offers and reputation. This is as it should be. You will still have your profession – that is not over. It is no more over than when you go to sleep for the night. This is merely a stop.

Having said this, you will have more energy and passion for professional actions from the 1st to the tenth and from the 26th forward – the times when the celestial satellite waxes.

You are still in an annually economic optimum. Thus, regardless of what is occurring in your profession, you still seem flourishing. Your financial situation does not seem impacted. For the twenty third your short-term economic targets are obtained, and now it is on to other passions – perceptive passions – the care and providing of your thoughts. Yes, your psychological system IS a system – though on a simple stage of being – and it has its needs. And this is a chance to deal with it. Provide it with the right food, excellent guides, guidelines, reliable information. Provide it with performance out – take programs in topics that interest you. Use it to make upcoming programs and to analyze your romantic life, homework and academic programs. Some people like to practice mentally stimulating games or reasoning problems as psychological performance out. But there are many other methods to perform out the brain. Thoughts need the right concept, to – thus it is excellent to talk about your information and concepts with others. Instructors and learners should be more effective this 30 days.

There is a solar power surpass on the twenty fifth that happens in your 3rd house. This is it all solar power surpass this season (and the ultimate one). This surpass is harmless to you, but drinks up the world at large (read the magazines during this period and you will see what we mean). For Learners (below school level), this delivers changes in academic programs. There are upheavals in your local community and with neighbors, or in the lifestyles of neighbors and friends (or those who are like friends to you). This surpass is almost a do it again in the lunar surpass of July 15 – except the Sun, not the celestial satellite, is the surpassed world. There are shake-ups in categories or companies you are part of, and impressive activities in the lifestyles of your friends. This surpass will test your car, interactive equipment, computer systems and high-tech gadgetry. These things are great when they are functional, but when they go on the flicker …

You and your associate, associate or current really like are participating on an economic stage after the 26th. It seems to perform both methods. You are assisting each other. Each helps the other in need.

November 2013 Horoscope Libra: Love & Relationships

Your sentimental life will go through a more discreet period. Venus will demand privacy, will look for home peace.

In November 2013, the couple will be preoccupied with the family, accommodation and household. You'll probably take part in a family event, you'll have guests or you'll make an effort to make the home more comfortable, more beautiful.

The parents could also join you or assist you in a different way. Or maybe they themselves will need your help or, even less reassuring, they will tend to interfere with your relationship a bit too much.

Venus will stay longer in this area of preoccupations (until March 2014), so if in November 2013 there are some events of the kind described above, this will just be the tip of the iceberg.

On to another point, the position of Mars, the ruler of Libra's house of relationships, says that you might have a period in which the couple communication will be slow or in which you'll feel worry, loneliness or disappointment. The partner might find themselves in a more difficult situation (disease, professional problems, etc.).

November 2013 Horoscope Libra: Career & Finance

Libra's career will move on and will go very well. Jupiter will see that you are offered favorable circumstances, highlighted, brought appreciation, applause, fame, prestige.

You'll not be exactly resourceful, things will mainly develop by themselves. Or you might have initiatives, but not visible enough, as if you discreetly prepared the field for an all-out future action.

You'll be very preoccupied with money-related issues, though: you'll calculate and then start over, you'll make financial plans which you'll later change, you'll be waiting for some money that will delay coming, you'll waste time with all sorts of unexpected complications.

Mercury will have been in the cycle of retrograde movement in Libra's house of money ever since last month, so you have probably got used to such things. It'll resume its straight movement on November 10th 2013, and starting the second decanate solutions will be found and it will even be about a certain good luck.

The money issue will stay in Libra's attention until the end of November 2013 and you'll probably have some decisions to take, some strategies to outline.

The house might be eating into your money.

November 2013 Horoscope Libra: Fitness & Morale

With Mars in the sign previous to your zodiac sign, in November 2013 you might experience some inner restlessness, find it hard to relax, maybe even have troubles with sleeping.

Mars in your twelfth house might expose to infections, inflammations, comtamination or injuries (cuts, burns, etc.).

The problems shouldn't be serious, because the ruler of Libra's house of health will be well positioned and will seem to have the situation under control. However, don't commit imprudence and don't overdo it with anything!

Advice for Libra in November 2013

Watch your back! There are people that don't really like you.