Friday 1 November 2013

Scorpio November 2013 Horoscope

Your personal satisfaction optimum carries on extreme until the twenty third. And it is excellent that these times do not last too long -doubtful whether the body could manage to much of this. But it is certainly awesome every now and then.

You look great. Wellness and energy are powerful. Self-confidence and self-esteem furthermore. Scorpios always express sexual attraction, but now with your 8th House leader in your own indication (he joined on the thirteenth of last 30 days and is there until the 2nd of this month) this is even more powerful than regular. Easy to understand that you have really liked on your own conditions these days.

Though health is excellent, you can create it even better by paying more attention to your heart (until the llth) and to your small bowel afterwards.

Last 30 days, after the twenty third, the planetary power moved from the higher 50 percent (career and external activities) to the lower 50 percent (home, close relatives and inner types of activities). Professional possibilities are still coming to you, but you seem less fascinated now. You will think about them up more properly. You will not just jump at work opportunity merely because it will pay well or provides a reputation You will analyze how it impacts your household members, children and your overall sense of psychological balance. Achievements without psychological balance is not real success – especially during this period. Your close relatives world is still retrograde this 30 days. So many problems including close relatives members and the property needs more research..It seems that only time will take care of these problems. Nevertheless, it's a chance to concentrate more on close relatives members – to provide them by being there for them. Handle the short-term problems and let the longer-term problems go.

On the twenty third, you get into an annually economic optimum. Income should be sky-high. The only side-effect now is that your economic world is retrograde. Significant economic choices -strategy and techniques – need more preparation. Income will be higher, but there is probably more setbacks engaged. Unexpected types of things.

Further complicating your economic life is a solar power surpass in your cash house (number four this year). This mighty power you to create changes too quickly. Try not to create changes out of anxiety, but get into a basic, relaxed state – an inner silent – then create your change. Next 30 days your economic world will start to continue (on the 25th) and it will be far better create impressive types of changes.

Again this surpasses delivers career changes, changes in your (highly unstable) business or market structure, and impressive activities in the lifestyles of mother and father, mother or father numbers and managers. There are, once again, problems in your municipality.

You really like the world will be in your cash house from the 2nd to the 26th. Your economic world has been in your 7th house of really like since July 4. They are in 'mutual reception' -co-operating with each other. This indicates a business collaboration or collaboration. Your associate, associate, or current really like – your social relationships – are even more co-operative economically than they have been all season.

November 2013 Horoscope Scorpio: Love & Relationships

You like intensity and you'll have it.

Venus, the ruler of Scorpio's house of couples, will enter Capricorn on November 5th 2013, where it'll stay for four months, much longer than it usually spends in a sign. And Pluto will already be in Capricorn.

Pluto's proximity will give Venus strong feelings and desires, but it can also make it be prone to possessiveness, jealousy, obsession, and radical actions. That sounds very familiar, doesn't it? In other words, it's highly likely that you'll soon experience something to your taste: deep, ravishing, extreme.

At the same time, Venus will be located in Scorpio's house of trips and communication, which means that it is to be expected for messages, mail, and conversations to be part of the relationship and that it is possible to often travel for sentimental reasons.

The person you'll be interested in might have intellectual preoccupations or could be somebody from your close entourage (colleagues, neighbors).

Of the whole month November 2013, the second decanate will carry the biggest emotional load.

November 2013 Horoscope Scorpio: Career & Finance

The Sun, the ruler of Scorpio's house of career, will cross your sign. It'll be one the most promising periods of 2013.

The presence of the Sun in Scorpio will intensify your desire to shine, to impose, to climb the ladder, and it will also lend you the power to take action in this sense. It will not be easy, but at the end of the effort success seems to be reached.

Scorpio's axis of knowledge will be highly marked in November 2013 and it wouldn't be surprising if you took a course or acquired some precious information in a different way. Information will easily find its way to you, but you'll have to take care how you use it, because it can be double-sided.
On the other hand, a possible lack of instruction will be felt now more than ever. In Scorpio's work, there will be changes or new things, and these will cause some stress.

Joint activities will motivate you, and in your turn you'll have the capacity to mobilize a group of people in order to reach a common purpose.

Financially, November 2013 will be a generous month for Scorpios.

November 2013 Horoscope Scorpio: Fitness & Morale

Physically, in November 2013 you will be in a gradually improving shape, but psychologically you might not feel very comfortable.

The mental flow can be disturbed: lack of concentration, exhaustion, high stress. You could do with more rest and some magnesium and the B vitamins.

Artistic or creative activities and walks in the nature will dispel tension.

Advice for Scorpio in November 2013

Be careful what you promise and what comments you make about other people!