Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Meanings of Angel Tattoos

Have you considered all aspects of inking angel tattoo designs so that there are no regrets later? If you are still in two minds let me put some of my observations down to get the whole thing in its proper perspective.

Have you decided on the size of your tattoo? You could perhaps draw a simple angel tattoo on your skin with a marker and allow it to stay for a few days to check out on size and also to discover whether you really like an angel tattoo. If you get sick of it in a couple of days, then maybe you need to check out on more designs.

Angel Tattoo Pictures that Protect and Watch Human Beings
People who embed angel tattoo pictures on their bodies treat this image as something special in their hearts. There are times that their meanings would refer to something religious or spiritual, and sometimes they’re mixed with other popular designs and the name of a love one to represent a particular meaning.

Meanings of Angel Tattoo
In Latin language, the meaning of “angel” is God’s messenger. It has been believed that angels have 3 choirs with each of them having a different rank and duty. While angels are given the primary role to watch human beings, as well as provide protection and wisdom to each individual, others are given the task to safeguard the realm that exists between earth and heaven.

If you want to engrave angel tattoo pictures on your skin, you can pick the most popular angel tat designs nowadays which comprise of the falling angels and the guardian angels. In the case of guardian angels, it has been said that this category of angels are designated always to be with human beings.

These angels are guiding you wherever you go because they have been sent by God to give you protection on earth. They’re the group of angels who have the features of a human being who possess large wings attached on their backs, and they are known to be very caring and loving. Many people opt to have this type of tattoo to feel connected with the guardian angel assigned to them.
The image of angels printed in angel tattoo pictures portrays them as the ultimate guardian and defender of humanity. You will notice that they are usually engraved on the body of religious tat lovers together with a child to depict a helpful and caring nature.

Types of Angel Tattoo

Cherub Angel Tattoo: These tattoos depict love with babies with chubby cheeks and wings at their back. They are represented as moving in the clouds with a bow for the cupid cherub or a trumpet for the victorious cherub. Cherubs are the messengers of love. They strike love into our hearts. People generally dedicate such cherub tattoos to someone whom they love most.

Guardian Angel Tattoo: These tattoos are often depicted as wraith like women or men with wings, sometimes holding the hand of a child, and come in all sizes. They are considered as representatives of god who guide mankind on earth towards good deeds and better ways. Guardian angels are considered to be loving and great protective. People wear the guardian angel wing tattoo to protect themselves from difficulties and dangers. There is also a belief that these angels protect children and act as guardians. 

Fallen Angel Tattoo: These tattoos are depicted with severe looking men or women with torn clothes and wings. Fallen angels are banished by god from heaven for doing wrong actions. These angel tattoo designs represent the fact that good and bad reside in every man and it is our will to choose our path.
Additionally, fallen angels are the evil angels who waged a war against God. They represent the darker side of life. A dark ink is used to portray these tattoos. Lucifer, Beeljibub, Mephistopheles are popular evil spirits among the fallen angels.

Angel of Death Tattoo: It’s also called “death angel” or “Grim Reaper”, and is one of the designs in dark angel category.  However, there is a huge difference between grim reaper and angel of death tattoos. Grim reapers are without wings. Whereas, the death angels are commonly been featured with exotic wings.

Arch Angel Tattoo: Arch angels represent the warriors of God. These tattoos usually depict a human form with a sword in hand and spread wings. People with a spiritual bent of mind wear these tattoos. Being considered as the most royal among the angels, the Archangels are respected as the highest in heaven because they are more recognized by God. The most popular of these angels is St. Michael, who led an army of angels to drive Lucifer out of heaven. Usually, these archangels are drawn holding a raised sword and armor as warriors of God.

Among the angel tattoo pictures that you can see in online tat galleries are the images of fallen angels. These groups of angels were known to have been driven out of heaven as their punishment from God for being rebellious. They were cast down to the earth to mix with mortals, and punished to wander around waiting for the judgment day to come.

They are usually portrayed in the form of a human whose face is covered and looking in upward direction possessing wings that are broken. Several tattoo enthusiasts love this type of angel tat designs inked on their skins to depict the bad side of them, including their being rebellious. Among the popular angel tattoo pictures, the sweetest and the most delicate form are the cherubs.

Guide on Tattooing Angel Tattoo Designs

Some people prefer to have a guardian angel tat inked on their skins to show their religious nature of having a strong faith that somebody is guarding and watching them always.

The second aspect is the color scheme for your angel tattoo. It is quite natural to go for light colors like pink, white and yellow to represent an angel. But think twice, these colors are quite likely to fade easily and the tattoo will look like a blur unless you give a touch up once in six months and this could burn a hole in your pocket. So, maybe you could go in for brighter and darker colors which even if they fade a wee bit will still show up as a definite tattoo.

Now let us look at the social or the official aspect. Is your angel tattoo design going to be negative influence in your career progress? Does your work atmosphere permit a tattoo and that too a religious or faith oriented one. Would your seniors frown upon a body art? These are points to be seriously considered before you decide on the placement area of your tattoo. The social aspect would be when you choose a partner. Does he or she like tattoos? Would he/she mind tattoos peeping out of evening gowns or would they consider it as a misfit.

SEE: 25 Extraordinary Angel Tattoos For Women

If your partner loves tattoos and you are strong willed enough to flaunt your tattoo, then just go ahead. The attitude is of utmost importance.

After the decision is taken, make sure to choose a good parlor with an experienced and innovative artist to do the job for you.