Friday 8 November 2013

Impressions Of The White Ink Tattoo

This new type of tattoo, which is inked exclusively with white pigment, is favored by more and more people. Lindsay Lohan has a white ink tattoo that says "breathe". A white tattoo is more subtle than other tattoos and thanks to the relatively smaller and simpler designs, it can be easily hidden when needed in different occasions, that is probably one the reasons why it is so popular.

Another issue with white tattoos is that these white tattoos are not ideal for areas of the body that will be exposed to the sun and weather elements. White pigment can turn quite dull if frequently exposed to the sun, so it's important to choose an area that will be covered when outdoors such as your chest, back or even the underside of your arm. And if you have to do that, make sure you consult your artist and take care of it.

One particular type of ink that offers a very opaque white ink that does seem to hold up well over time is the brand produced by Intenze. Intenze inks are made with the usual pigments and carrier fluids, but have an added difference. According to the MSDS sheets that tell what the ingredients of inks are, Intenze inks also include a finely ground acrylic polymer. Acrylic polymers are used in car paints, house paints, and other applications. There has been some discussion in online forums between artists that there is a fear that the acrylic polymers may melt and solidify in the skin and make a patch of tougher skin than the surrounding areas. I have been using Intenze inks for over 5 years now and have never had one single complaint from any customer about this problem.

The ink used is completely different from base white inks which tint other colours. When used as the primary ink, you get a much thicker, top quality mixture which is created solely to stand out as much as it can.

White ink tattoos will lose a portion of their brightness and clarity if they are constantly in the sunshine. If you get this type of design, be sure to keep it out of the sun as much as possible. The easiest way to do this is to get inked in an area which you normally cover up. Your back or chest make for ideal areas. If you normally wear clothes with a bit more cover in the summer, you could also try using your shoulder or just below the ankle.

Something else to think about is white pigment is harder to remove, and requires more trips to a tattoo removal specialist than a colored image, and at several hundred dollars a visit, can become very costly. The primary advantage of a white ink tattoo is its unique look, subtle but distinctive, often appearing as a brand, but capable of more intricate detail and the added dimensional advantage of the slightly raised skin.

Recently, a new tattoo ink manufacturer has come out with a line of nonencapsulated UV black light inks. I have tried the Tokyo Pink and find this ink to be thin, not as bright in the skin as in the bottle, and a couple of clients have come back after 3 - 4 months saying that their pink areas are not glowing under a black light anymore. [ read: Know before you Get it. ]

Facts About White Ink Tattoo

First, there are two distinctly different types of white tattoos being done currently. One is done with white ink only, will be slightly visible under natural daylight and is permanent. The other is done with white UV black light ink and may not be visible at all once healed fully and may or may not last a long time.

The first type is done with only white, normal tattoo ink. There are many brands of white ink on the market today and new brands are showing up all the time. Brands like Starbright, Millenium "Moms', Kuro Sumi, Fantasia, Eternal, Iron Butterfly, and others basically use titanium white powered pigment in a carrier fluid.

When most people think about body art, they think of stark and immediately eye-catching visuals, and this is largely fair. Even the slightest tattoo of stars on a wrist, meant to be concealed, pops when exposed. Not everyone, however, wants to be purely bold in how they express themselves; some people delight in playing their boldness against the minimalistic or the subtle. For many of these people, a white ink tattoo fills this purpose. Made of a thicker, higher quality ink, the completed white ink tattoo is quite pale, may appear slightly embossed, and will bear a resemblance to branding or scarification once fully healed.

What is the benefit to owning a white tattoo?

Lindsey Lohan, (poor girl), has a wonderful example of how a white tattoo can be significant. It says...


It's located on the inside of her wrist, visible only to those who know it's there. Probably one of the wisest things she has done in the midst of her tragic life struggles.

A white tattoo works best with smaller images of stars, hearts, Celtic designs and small words, that are designed to be a silhouette in design. It's a great way to create an image "just for you" that expresses a small personal mantra or motivational reminder.

White ink shouldn't be combined with a colored design because the other colors will bleed into the white ink, distorting the image. They are also much more sensitive to sun damage and can fade to a yellowish color, or even totally disappear. Because of this you can expect a trip or two back to your artist for a touch up to maintain its original look.

Tattoo art has come a long way from being insignias of gangs or a good way to pass the time in prison. Tattoos are now considered a form of art and even grace Hollywood's hottest. But even if almost everyone you know has got a tattoo, you can choose to still be different by taking it a step further like Lindsay Lohan or Kate Moss. Try a white ink tattoo or a UV ink tattoo to definitely stand out from the crowd.

As with any ink, if you do not put in the effort to take special care of your new tattoo, you might end up with something that only barely resembles the art you wanted. Don't scratch or touch the area. Always keep the gauze on for the minimum of 2 hours. Never ever cover up a new tattoo with plastic/saran wrap.